Invitation at the General Meeting of Shareholders
The Management Board of LESAFFRE POLSKA S.A. with its registered seat in Wołczyn ("Company") pursuant to Art. 399 of the Commercial Companies Code, convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on September 29, 2020, at 11:00, a at the Company's registered seat in in Wołczyn, at ul. Dworcowa 36, in the BENEVIA conference room.
Warsaw, September 14, 2020
at the General Meeting of Shareholders
The Management Board of LESAFFRE POLSKA S.A. with its registered seat in Wołczyn ("Company") pursuant to Art. 399 of the Commercial Companies Code, convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on September 29, 2020, at 11:00, a at the Company's registered seat in in Wołczyn, at ul. Dworcowa 36, in the BENEVIA conference room.
The subject of the General Meeting will be matters on the following agenda:
- Opening the General Meeting of Shareholders.
- Election of the Chairman of the Meeting.
- Adoption of a resolution on waiving the secrecy of voting on matters relating to the election of committees appointed by the Meeting and the election of the Committee:
- Mandate;
- Returning;
- Resolutions and Motions.
- Checking the attendance list, confirming that the General Meeting of Shareholders has been properly convened, is capable of adopting resolutions, and approving the agenda.
- Presentation and consideration:
- the Management Board's report on the Company's operations for 2019;
- the report of the Supervisory Board for 2019;
- the Company's financial statements for 2019;
- draft resolution on allocation of the Company's profit for 2019.
- Adoption of resolutions on the following matters:
- approval of the Management Board's report on the Company's operations for 2019,
- approval of the Supervisory Board's report for 2019;
- approval of the Company's financial statements for 2019;
- allocation of the Company's profit for 2019;
- acknowledging the fulfillment of duties by a member of the Management Board in 2019;
- acknowledging the fulfillment of duties by members of the Supervisory Board in 2019;
- selection of the entity that will keep the register of the Company's shareholders.
- Closing the meeting.
At the same time, the Management Board informs that the Company's financial statements
for 2019, the Management Board's report on the Company's activities for 2019 and the report of an independent auditor are available at the at the Company's registered seat in Wołczyn, ul. Dworcowa 36.
Best regards,
Dariusz Rompa
Chairman of the Board